McGregor, Texas is a quaint town of 5,000 residents that’s an easy 15-minute car drive from downtownWaco. From Magnolia simply follow US-84 W to N. Main St., and you’re here.
McGregor is home to charming shops, a historic Main Street, delicious eats and Chip and Jo’s Magnolia House and The Carriage House around the corner. To book a Chip and Jo’s Vacation Rental, you gotta be lucky to find availability, but it’s definitely worth a try. An alternative to Magnolia House and The Carriage House is Atria Hotel and RV Park. McGregor also has a handful of Airbnbs.
For antique shopping, these antique shops are a good stop on the way to or from McGregor to Waco on US Hwy 84 — Junque Amore, Cedar Chest Too and the (original) Cedar Chest Antique Mall. You’ve probably seen The Cedar Chest Antique Mall on an episode or two of HGTV’s Fixer Upper.
When you arrive at Main Street, you’ll turn left at the stop light. Within a block or two, you’ll find Irene’s Flowers & Gifts, the VIBE Main Street Market, Junk for Joy, and another antique shop, Hidden Talents Antiques & Gifts. Parallel park on Main Street or in the parking lot of TFNB Your Bank for Life, which is stone’s throw to Magnolia House.
For eats within walking distance of the Main Street shops are Luigi’s Italian, Milano’s Pizza, and Cuppiecakes of Waco (which is actually in McGregor). At 8th Street and Main St. is Papi Taco. Other mom and pop restaurants on Hwy 84 (known as McGregor Drive in town) is The Coffee Shop Cafe with a daily buffet and made-from-scratch pies and crusts, El Rey Azteca for real Tex Mex, Coach’s Smoke BBQ, and Fox’s Treats and Eats. Texas and/or national chain restaurants include Dairy Queen and Sonic. A few miles from McGregor is Crawford, home to President George W. Bush’s ranch. Stop and have a taste at Chaney Brothers Coffee.
Also in McGregor is a SpaceX rocket testing facility. If you happen to be in McGregor, Waco or in between, and you feel and/or hear a rumble, it’s likely SpaceX testing. This can happen early, early in the morning or late at night and during the day.
Every third weekend in September is our Founder’s Day celebration. It’s fun for the whole family. Our Christmas Open House starts the first Sunday in November. And the second Saturday in December is our Christmas Parade.
We could go on and on about McGregor, but one last fact is about our Amtrak Station. Catch the Texas Eagle in McGregor and you can travel directly to Chicago, St. Louis and Los Angeles. The closest stops are Dallas to the north and San Antonio to the south. Or catch a train in Chicago and come see us in McGregor.
Stop by the McGregor Chamber when you’re here and pick up a brochure about things to in McGregor and more information on Chamber members’ boutiques and restaurants. We’re also on Main Street located near the shops and open Monday through Friday.